We can download it for free from their website. It has multiple options to optimize downloads and consumes little system resources.

qBittorrent: this software is characterized by having its own search engine, allowing us to do these searches on third-party websites through the Internet browser.We can access it from this link to its official website. It has a basic version that we can install for free, although it has annoying and constant advertising that can spoil our experience. uTorrent: undoubtedly one of the most popular and used clients for downloading and opening torrents.For them there are a large number of programs among which we can highlight: This is nothing more than special software capable of opening. To begin with, we must bear in mind that our PC is not capable of recognizing these files by default, so it will be necessary to download a client. And finally, run it so that it downloads the files it contains and we can access them from our PC. Then we must add the torrent file that we can download from different web pages or, if you have it, from the program’s search engine. Performing this task is quite simple, since it will only be necessary to have a client software that will be in charge of making the downloads. It is convenient to know that the responsibility for downloading illegal files falls directly on the user who downloads the file, so we must ensure the content before obtaining it. On the other hand, if we use it to download free content, it can be done perfectly. For example, if we choose to use it to download material protected by copyright (movies, series, music, books …), it is an illegal activity. What will make downloading files legal or illegal will be those we choose. Nevertheless, the act itself is not illegal. Many times this term is associated with piracy.